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Baby Shower Ideas

February 21, 2013

Last spring I hosted two separate baby showers for two of my great girlfriends.  I wanted them to look amazing without spending a ton of money.  Most of the items I used for decorating I purchased from the dollar store, like the hanging lanterns, and other hanging decorations.

A great idea that is always a big hit is a clothesline with baby clothes on it.  This will also double as an extra baby clothes (and your gift) to the new mama.  These clothes can be simple, dresses, bibs, onesies, or anything that you think is cute.  If you plan enough ahead of time you can pick most of these items up off of the sale rack.  Always remember how old the baby will be when buying clothes, don’t buy a 6-month summer outfit if the baby will be 6-months old in December.

Use items that you already have like placements.  We have outside placements that happened to match perfectly with the theme.  Fresh flowers, especially bright ones add so such much to a table.  I usually purchase flowers from Trader Joe’s the day of the party or day before, there is always a great selection and at a great price.

Everyone loves a cute party favor…right?  I go back and forth on party favors to tell you the truth.  When it is something most people are going to throw away as soon as the leave the party I just figure what was the point?  However when you can snag cute favors at a great price I’m all for it!  For this baby shower I gave all the guests flip-flops, and it was a big hit.  The hard part was trying to figure out everyone’s sizes but I actually did pretty well, everyone went home with pair in their size.  The flip-flops I gave away were from Old Navy, normally priced at I think $3.99 a pair.  Old Navy had a sale and the flip-flops were only $0.99 a pair!  It was a great deal and something I knew everyone would use since we live in Southern California.  I added a little ribbon and a cute little rubber ducky and I was done with the favors!

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